Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Home Improvements...

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!   ...on to the next, welcome Autumn, officially that is....  Chaundra Daniels

So walking around my home, I'm starting to notice ALL the "little" things that I need to get done, but haven't.  Funny how those "little" things turn into BIG things after a while.  Yes, it's that time of year when heating systems need to be checked, windows need to be sealed and the money that's needed to winterize homes in preparation for the upcoming season(s) need to start growing on trees!  ;-)

I bet you're wondering why I still feel Blessed, huh?  For obvious reasons I suppose.  For starters, I have a home; a roof over my head for me and my children, and even though maintaing this home can be somewhat of a struggle from time to time, in the words of the infamous style guru and Project Runway fashion consultant Tim Gunn, "I'm making it work!!"

In the midst of my boiler blues, plumbing problems, deck damage and subsequent salon (french for sitting area in my bedroom) situation; oh, did I forget to mention I'm currently painting and redesigning my boudoir/lounge area and bath?  Anyway, I keep picking out the wrong colors... Ugh!!!!

I should be climbing the walls, up all night, (wait a minute, I slept all night after being up for over 40 hours straight.. insomnia really does suck!) and SUPER stressed out, but I'm not.  I'm content actually.  I know all that I need done around here will get done and I know this because my will is strong, so there will definitely be a way!   My house is so chaotic right now and this may read strange, but everything in my life is on the upswing and I owe it all to HIM!  Sure I can sit here and worry, but He won't allow that either.  I got a message today from someone that was sent by Him and I know everything is going to be alright.  Life is beautiful and so is he... xoxo

They say some people have the power to speak things into existence, so in closing, this is all I have to type; if it's not broken and falling off the hinges, fixing it can wait and I expect a few calls in the event that money tree is discovered...  ;-)  Be well...

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  A day of beauty makes any woman feel better :)! Monica Michelle Cooper

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Positive Thinking: We are in a time where the economy has us backing up daily. Stop and pay closer attention to detail. This is the time to build your business, work your resume, network hard and stay positive in all that you do. As you take this step back please do the following; review finances, create a plan, set goals that you can REACH & don't take NO for an ANSWER. IT CAN BE DONE. -The Next Level- Kendell Maliki

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Nobody said this was gonna be easy........... Joe Razzano

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  The GREATEST EFFORT is not concerned with results. Joy can be found in the process itself and knowing that you gave it your best shot. Results may not always be what you want them to be, but still...before you ditch your plan, just TRY.  Janet Grier

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  No one makes it to the "top" by themselves. Each step you take is guided by at least one person's blood, sweat and tears. If you don't appreciate those who stand behind you as you rise, don't expect them to catch you if you fall. The ladder of success is steadiest when someone's there to support it. -  Carlos Wallace

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!   "All I do is WIN, WIN, WIN not matter what! Got God on my mind, I can never get enough. And every time I think about His goodness, you know I gotta throw my hands up. And they stay there....." Dannielle Bradley

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.  J. E. Barnes

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  “One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals.” - Michael Korda shared by Lee Fuller

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  An artist does not fake reality--he *stylizes* it.  Pras Michel

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  People who want by the yard, but try by the inch, should be kicked with the foot !! Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. We will accomplish a lot more when we get rid of our if's and and's; and get off our but's.  Rick DaBarba

Monday, September 20, 2010


Mike and I on Turkey Duty, Thanksgiving 2009

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Wanted item fr. Walmart $40.Got 2 cashier it was $20. I prayed Lord, I need 2 bless some1. Outside, a voice spk..Woman w/keys..woman comes 2ward me dangling keys. Stopped her & pressed $20 N her hands. She collapsed n my arms bawling. She thought God hadn't heard prayers & He sent a stranger 2 encourage her. People follow ur heart..bless some1..I felt like crying 2. Don't kno wht her problem but God did.  Pat SisterBetty G'orge-Walker

When I read this status this morning, it brought tears to my eyes as well.  When God is speaking through us to help others, aren't we simply the conduit?  I have been Blessed a hundred times over and never get weary of giving a "shout out" to whom I owe it all, and so much more, to.  Being Favored isn't solely felt by the givers of this world, but to the receivers as well, and I have been in receipt of His many Blessings everyday of my life..  :-)  

Two years ago my best friend, sister and children worked with Darren Green, from the Nassau Guardians, and fed the Hempstead community Thanksgiving Dinner.  Last year, My sister Angie, our friend Vance  and I worked with Aunt (Sister) Mary, of Yes! Solutions, and fed thousands of homeless people in Harlem NY...

The day was unseasonably warm and we got to the site; 125th Street and Morningside Ave, a little early.  Walking to Starbucks and enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee was about all the down time we had because when Aunt Mary showed up, it was GAME TIME!!  Feeding well over 1,000 people in the community was hard work, but the dividends were worth it.  This experience was, hands down, one of the most awesome (outside of welcoming my children into this world) experiences I've ever had.  Helping people, making sure everyone had, and having so much donated food to give people extra was, in a word, AMAZING!  The hundreds of volunteers it takes to pull this off annually is nothing short of miraculous, and the friendships that were formed that day will last all the days of my life..  I can't wait to do it and see everyone again!

I'll never forget leaving the site and jumping on the Bruckner, heading back home to Long Island to enjoy Thanksgiving with my family that evening.  There was a homeless man walking, and panhandling underneath the underpass.  We didn't have any cash, but we did have a GINORMOUS styrofoam container filled with food...  The traffic was pretty bad, almost at a standstill and the Man began to walk back towards our car...  Vance suggested we give him our food and it was at this time that I looked at him.  Poor Man...  I rolled down the window and offered him the super sized container.  When he opened it, he looked back at me with surprise.  I can only imagine that it must have been a very long time since he had a proper Thanksgiving dinner...  He looked at me with tears in his eyes and simply said, "God Bless You"...  He walked away and I watched him in my side view mirror until he all but disappeared.  Vance, Angie and I began to cry as well.  The love in our hearts was too much and the emotions felt were mirrored and shared.. we were all in awe.  I'm crying as I type this and I cried when I read Pat's status this morning...  God is SOOOO GOOD!!!  :-)

Paying it forward doesn't always have to be through deed either...  I know why I created the I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!! page, it was to pay it forward as well.  To my sister who's bravery and Duty fills me with so much love and pride.   All the way from Afghanistan she continued to uplift me with her wonderful thoughts and words.   And to ALL my facebook friends who inspired me with their awesome statuses to get better and move forward with the awesome life God has planned for me post operation from back surgery...(emotional~*tear) friends...  through you and your words, you've given me the opportunity to re post which, I can assure you, has helped me and so many others in so many different ways.  You all continue to inspire and your support is appreciated... THANK YOU!!!  Be well...

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!   You have a special gift inside that only you possess, learn what it is, how to operate it and then share it with the world - that's the secret to living a wealthy life... Blessed Day Beloved!  John Spruill

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  If we are strong, our strength will speak for itself. If we are weak, words will be no help. (John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963)shared by Jackie-Fabulous Champagnie

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” - Leo F. Buscaglia shared by Lee Fuller

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  To look around and see all the wonders of God &To know that God created you in His likenessYou in Him and Him in you What a wonderful thingWOW I love you FB Fam..  Donnell Dunbar

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  COMPASS- What defines U? Your things, your clothes,your car? Your great or sorry personality? Other people? You were made wonderfully. We mar and scar ourselves by what we follow.Follow chaotic people, be stressed/ confused. Follow the confident/ controlled, and develop your own greatness. Where is your compass pointing and what do you follow?ReDefine your existence, from the inside out.  Janet Grier

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Behind every action there's a consequence, now that can either be a reward or a punishmennt based on the action. Make sure you act accordingly to reap your rewards life has to offer you. Everyone deserves a chance at being GREAT...DUECES John Jay

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  ‎"You have got to let go of the life you have planned to live the life that is waiting for you." ~ Joseph Campbell ~ "You have got to let go of those old clothes and dance naked every once in a while" Evan Morganstern shared by Evan L. Morganstern

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  “A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well.” -Unknown

BE the BEAUTIFUL GEM inside and out TODAY! shared by  Kim Coles

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!   I extend love to people everyday-- little by little, task by task, gesture by gesture, word by word.  Simone Hylton

Chaundra Daniels via  I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!! We want God to Change our Circumstances but God wants 2 use our Circumstances 2 **CHANGE US** AMEN!! Thank You Lord God 4 Loving Me & My Family Enough 2 put us through Trails & Tribulations.....How else would we exercise our **FAITH** and through our TRIUMPHS & TESTIMONY be a BLESSING to someone else.....ENJOYING THE JOURNEY!! Life is Good but is GREAT when you have God in your lives:) Charlene Ewing

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  It takes who you were and where you've been to make you the person you are today.Phil Jones  

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Lee Fuller shares this: “Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong - sometimes it's letting go.” - Unknown

Trust...  I think my son was 13 years old when I realized he was not only computer savvy, but appreciated the female anatomy VERY WELL!!    Lol, it was when I upgraded my computer and had an IT guy at the house that I first became aware of "Cookies", what it's function was and ALL that my firstborn was truly up to!  When asked if I wanted to migrate my files, I immediately said yes; my poetry, several book ideas and treatments for Motion Picture were on my old computer, I didn't want to lose all that material.  When I was shown the 10's of thousands of pornographic websites that my son had accessed and had strategically been hiding with the help of "cookies", I was shocked!!  Ok, ok... maybe I wasn't shocked; I mean, secretly, I had begun to question my son's sexuality...  He didn't express any interest in boys, but he didn't express any interest in girls either!  I was quietly preparing my self for the unexpected.  But when I saw the plethora of websites denoting women with "Big Asses", I was pretty clear about his choice then!  Yes, I admonished him when he came home from school that day, and the look of sheer horror on his face upon realizing that I knew what he was up to, his discomfort about being confronted and the difficulty of keeping a straight face throughout it all was priceless.  Imagine the ground opening up at that very moment, creating the largest hole known to man... my son would have gladly leapt into it at that moment and trying, successfully I might add, not to laugh, was hard but I managed!  

Now, that was over 8 years ago...  over the years, children have become experts on the computer.  My daughter, who is now 11 years old, helps me with computer problems I have and deftly puts me back on track as good as any old IT professional could!  ;-)  We've discussed social networking pedophiles and the strict rule that she is prohibited from speaking to anyone online (Skype, IM, facebook, etc..) that is a stranger!  In the 2 years that she has been navigating websites for entertainment purposes (Disney) socially and school stuff, I haven't had an issue yet.  She religiously asks for permission to accept friend requests, (even if she does know the person, she'll ask) and I trust her not to do anything foolish, like offer information about where she lives, where she goes to school, etc..  The trust I have for her has nothing to do with the fact that I DO NOT trust people on the internet.  But, I have to believe that with the instructions , warnings and knowledge that I've given her, she will make the right decisions.  As the parent, my supervisory role is in full effect at all times, but I also give her the space she needs to explore...  And besides, I know what "cookies" is now, so whether she knows it or not, she is ALWAYS being monitored!  

My big question is this...  when do we as parents cut those strings?  At what age does cyber monitoring  become down right intrusive?  Honestly, shit I've said about my parents growing up was downright awful!  The idea of reading what my children type freely over the Net about their hatred of me, at that moment in time anyway, is as unappealing to me as all those ridiculous websites my son as a teenager accessed!  Besides, when my children weren't mad at me, and I wasn't angry with them any longer, it was all love...  I'm not sure how long the anger would have continued, on my part anyway, had I read anything they may have shared in anger over the world wide web!  

This isn't an admonishment to those parents who do keep a watchful eye on their children, regardless of age, over the Net, I'm just talking about me and my style; making sure teeth are brushed, chores are done and now that school has restarted, homework is understood and completed, I'm tapped out!  Above all else, I want to encourage trust, love and communication with my children.  If they'd rather share things with friends and family online than have a conversation with me, then I'm not doing something right.  Live and let live, supervise, but don't control.  Know that the tools you give your children everyday to become the citizens you want them to be are being adhered to, and if they aren't the signs will show up, trust me...  As a matter of fact,  don't trust me... try trusting them!  Be well...

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!   I remember a playhouse set fragile built with cardboard in a haunted playhouse as they played. We know eachother don't we? wait stay in the scene! you are my enemy in this scene, but I don't want to hate you I want to make you smile - and remember the ghosts past, but the scene requires us to be bad people and hate eachother...I don't like this scene I want to stop but I can't break character  Nema Williams

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  The ELEPHANT still IN THE ROOM: can't Ignore it. But Dont Feed it. It wont go away and you might accidentally get stomped. ACKNOWLEDGE its presence. Make the elephant leave on its own by strategically partnering with an Animal Tamer and a Zoo Keeper. YOU BE THE MOUSE! Switch the status quo so the elephant has a ‘new experience’ and backs away.Janet Grier

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Give what you expect to receive, love how you expect to be loved, and live like you have a life worth living. Take a long look at in the mirror. Hold you accountable! ~Style Matters~- Shawn Lovings'

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Forgive me my nonsense as I also forgivethe nonsense of those who think they talk sense.~Robert Frost~ Janet Grier

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  ....your daily ritual is creating your future reality regardless of your past ambition..... Asah Zilla

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  REASONABLE: Separate the Good reason from the Real reason. They're typically not the same... Janet Grier

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  "The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved, loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." ~Victor Hugo~ shared by Angelique Worth

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  I finally found it....I finally get it....I finally understand! How freeing it is.....Graceann Rivera  

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Constructive criticism is about finding something good and positive to soften the blow to the real critique to what really went on. Every person has their true and certain value. Praise and criticism doesn't change any of that. Only the work itself praises and criticizes the person. The trouble with a lot of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism. Rick DaBarba

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  I know sometimes we look at the youth and see the senseless crimes they commit and say that the youth have gone crazy. Well these are the fruit from our collective tree. So if there's a problem with the fruit, we better go to the root and check the tree. Mark Goggins

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!  Lee Fuller  shares this: "The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook." - William James

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Think Back Tuesday... :-)

"... deja vu tell you what I'm gonna do, when they reminisce over you, my God..."  Pete Rock & CL Smooth ~ They Reminisce Over You.

So I went away for the weekend and it turned out to be one of the best little impromptu trips ever!  On the ride home, I listened to Old School Hip Hop and it took me back to the days when it really was that simple; you could either rap or you couldn't.  I listened to the clarity in Main Source's delivery in "Faking the Funk" and couldn't help but apply his raps from almost 20 years ago to what I've been hearing of late.  I also heard KRS1's "Still #1" and there was a part in this record that resonated for me; rap is still in it's infancy and the unfortunate turn it's taken is disrespectful to the Pioneer's of the Game, to the visionaries who made it possible to express ourselves, our culture in this very unique and awesome form.

Question; what exactly happened to true story telling with some jokes thrown in for good measure?  Biggie understood the formula, and before he catapulted to super stardom, he was known in the streets where he lived as an awesome storyteller...  Wanting Big back is just as futile as wanting the "New Shit, new shit, new shit"... (imagine that in an echo, you know the way DJ's announce new music on almost every mix tape out there mostly old and sometimes the new, if that particular DJ is feeling nostalgic) to disappear, it ain't happening!   Anyway, I don't want to fall off the path of this Blog the way so many new rappers have during the past 5 years...

I want to big up everyone out there who is making the music we all want to hear and even the music we don't.  Special shout out to Rock Master Scott and the Dynamic Three, Gangstarr, Nice and Smooth, Positive K, A Tribe Called Quest, Joell Ortiz, hell there are WAAAAAY too many to name!   Drake, Officer Winslow, Lil' Wayne, J-Cole, just to name a few of the more successful dudes in the game right now, understand the legacy from which you came and show some respect every now and again...  :-)  Be well...

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!   ... Words can be very powerful. Why not use them to lift someone up today rather than knock them down?  Sidney B. Clayton

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Made to Love... xoxo

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!    ‎"Life without love is like a year without summer." - wise words of Bianca Pompa. shared by Gene Pompa

Why are some hearts filled with love, and others aren't?  I mean, I can't sing or dance, my acting skills leave much to be desired and although I often stumble on a great idea or two, conceptualization is easy, but rarely do I follow through with the discipline and drive it generally takes to see the project through.  There is one thing I'm exceedingly good at however, and I get better at it every day; and every time beautiful words and people inspire me, I feel it pulsating through my body like an adrenaline rush ... Love.  Can love, or loving wholeheartedly and altruistically, be considered a gift?  I want to say YES, but would it be true?  

ALL of my exes think I'm terrific; I mean, I don't have a bitter bone in my body, even though I've been robbed and stole on by some, quite a few are, arguably, some of the best men I've ever known.  What's even better is there's no animosity.  I guess this is the reason friendship still exists between most of us... that and the fact that I refuse to vilify any of them publicly and appreciate the fact that they won't either.  For the most part, I know these men still hold me in the highest regard and have as much love for me as, to their disbelief, I have for them.  Love and forgiveness are not the same, but for me, I can't feel one without the other... it's sort of like a package deal!  :-)

"Love is All we Need", is not a cliche to me, it's a way of Life and I get to express that everyday with the help of you guys and the I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!! page!  I hope you guys don't get tired of hearing it, because I'll never get tired of saying it.. I love you and thank you all so much... You all have and continue to change my life through words with wisdom, spirituality and most important, LOVE.  Be well... xoxo

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  "You can't expect to draw people in your life who are kind, confident, and generous if you're thinking and acting in cruel, weak, and selfish ways. You must put forth what you want to attract." - Dr. Wayne Dyer shared by Tawni S. Fears

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  "My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return." ~ Maya Angelou shared by Kwame Reina Morris

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!   ‎"...we get to make the rules, #1 Rule - I love you like crazy..." ♥  Angelique Worth

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  "Love is an action verb. If you are not showing your mate Love in action form..all you're doing is living a lie. Absence of a negative is where your love begins. "I'm not cheating on her." "I'm not disrespecting him." But its no the same as doing the positive. "I'm being loving to her." "I'm praising and supporting him."-PMTS shared by  Jullian Goodin

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  WHY DO WE FEAR LOVE? "There is no fear in love; but perfect love

casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made
perfect in love. (1 John 4:18)" We have made LOVE fearful and complicated...PURE LOVE is NOT these things...Let us re-examine our definition of LOVE before we accept what conventional thinking tells us...peace & LOVE ♥  via 
Aletha Cherry

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  I don't forgive people because I'm weak. I forgive them because I am strong enough to know people make mistakes. ~ Carlos Wallace

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!! ".... Forgiveness and love, cannot be earned, deserved, bought, sold, won, or forced. They are a gift and should never be taken for granted or expected. Only accepted" via  Sidney B. Clayton

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!   "Love is not this sentimental something that we talk about.It's not merely an emotional something.Love is creative, understanding goodwill for all men. It is the refusal to defeat any individual. When you rise to the level of love, of its great beauty & power, you seek only to defeat evil systems.Individuals who happen to be caught up in that system, you love,but you seek to defeat the system."~MLK, Jr.~ Chaundra Daniels

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  What I give off through words & deeds, I actually want 2 make sure I am that woman.None of us are perfect, but sometimes we paint a pretty picture when the frame is so cracked it can't support it.It's not about being flawless it's about saying Lord I need you 2 change this MESS I dress up.We have nothing 2 prove 2 each other even tho we spend so much time trying 2,we have a lot of improving 2 do for Him. Tawni S. Fears

Malacia N. Anderson That no matter how many times I fall and stumble God still loves me enough to pick me up and help me start over.via  I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!! 

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  ... Words can be very powerful. Why not use them to lift someone up today rather than knock them down? 

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Lee Fuller is seeing things from a different perspective. Love is the way, y'all. Let's seek the path of L-O-V-E.

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Lee Fuller shares this: "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Lee Fuller shares this: "If you judge people, you have no time to love them." - Mother Teresa

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Could Use a Little Help Here...

I want to share a note written by my 11 year old daughter.  Her Paternal Grandmother is gravely ill and she wanted me to ask everyone I knew to please help her pray.

Hi, my name is Kameron and today I would like to ask everyone if they could pray for my very ill Grandma.  She recently had a heart attack.  She was put into the hospital and my Daddy is with her now.  She's very kind and loving and one of the best people in the world.  I was told she might not make it and this makes me very sad.  Thank you for your prayers everybody.


Thanks everyone!  Have an awesome Wednesday and Be well...

Chaundra Daniels  "Let me tell ya'll a little something about the POWER of PRAYER: It's WHO you pray to, not what you pray for!" (divinely inspired, hence the quotes via I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Recap Mondays!

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Those who believe they are better than others can only hold that opinion because the others allow them to be. I think, encourage and promote we're in this together.  Harun Knowles  

Hi all!  It's been a minute and I want to apologize.  Yes, I've been busy and simply logging on to facebook has been an issue lately, but know this; when I don't get on this Blog and express myself and share the wonderful reposts and the feelings derived from them, I feel lost.  Weird, right?  :-)   Liking what you do is pretty awesome, but loving how it makes you feel when you're doing it is unexplainable.  When I say words have changed my life, know that ALL of you who have contributed to the page and inspire me with your awesome quotes at the precise time in my life that I need them the most has made the aforementioned statement a fact.  Thanks again facebook family!

So here's my week, weekend at a glance, I engaged in a debate on the page, that I'm not happy with at all.  First, that's not what I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!! is all about.  Sure, everyone can have an opinion or a comment about what is re posted, but when the comment is controversial in nature, then I have no other recourse but to defend it, the friend who shared it, and the validity of the reason why it even made it to the page.  Ignorance is indefensible and I hope the person who encouraged the negative commentary learned something... I know I did!  I learned that in life, some things, you just have to accept, and let go of, period.

And then there are some things you have to fight for.  This weekend has been one full of reflection and inspection, and I'm not a happy camper right now!  I have been battling with "The Man" all day!  My car is in the shop, again.  This time it's the axle, $1100...  really?   Also, my kitchen is falling apart, when I called the company who did the work and was told about the fee, I went berserk!!  Needless to say, I'm getting someone to come out and look at the problem, free of charge, and waiting on a call from Customer Satisfaction at Lexus.  Let's see what level my powers of persuasion are at, because $1100 is out of the question!  Right now I'm feeling a bit harassed, so maybe I'm at a 6?  Uh, oh... I'd better go read some awesome re posts on the I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!, page for peace, motivation and inspiration!  :-)

Last,  but not least, to my friend Annalee...  She's going through a rough time and wasn't ashamed to put it out there on facebook.  Her daughter needs things for school; supplies, etc., and she needs help.  Her plea was heard by all and answered by many.  I feel blessed to be in a position where I can do what I can to help, I know I too have been in that same position.  I don't think asking for help is a bad thing, I think the humility expressed to do that, especially publicly, is courageous and I respect and admire her for her strength.  I love you girl and you are blessed to be a blessing.  You and yours are always in my prayers...  We're not in this alone everyone, remember that.  Be well...

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Remember a child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark. We have to all try to leave good marks.  Healing Heart Counseling Service

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  My knowledge, wisdom and security comes from serviing God, my cash flow comes from correctly and ethically serving the needs of God's creations; my blessings come from combining both  Harun Knowles

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  There's a story of a donkey falling down in a ditch. And everyone that walked by threw a stone down at the donkey. After a while, they threw so many stones till the donkey just got up and walked up outta the ditch. The moral of the story is: Use every knock against you as a boost. shared by Mark Goggins

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!! For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin- real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life will begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life Rick DaBarba

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!! "Sometimes it is only through the eyes of another person that you can see the beauty in yourself." so says Mr.Sidney B. Clayton

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  A strong person is not one who doesn't cry.A strong person is one who is quiet and sheds tears for a moment, and then picks up his sword and fights again. via Sidney B. Clayton

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  I JUST heard this from my flight attendant: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger & what makes you stronger, you just HAVE to share" Thanks Nicolas, keep sharing your light and love with others. STAY STRONG  Kim Coles

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  "If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream." -- Martin Luther King, Jr shared by Myckelle Williams

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  "Most profound was discovering that the anchor she had been clinging to so tightly also yielded the rope that bound her feet to the floor... in what appeared to be a desperate loss of security, the cord was cut revealing her defining truth... She had wings, and was always intended to fly....." ~Kristen Jongen~ "Butterfly" shared by  Angelique Worth

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!   "For one who stands in the dark,And knows that his last, best arrowHas bounded back from the mark. I sing for the breathless runner,The eager, anxious soul,Who falls with his strength exhausted...Almost in sight of the goal;For the hearts that break in silence,With a sorrow all unknown,For those who need companions,Yet walk their ways alone." Excerpt from "The Disappointed By Ella Wilcox shared by  Myckelle Williams

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Mothers are amazing. I just watch Connie with our kids and am blown away. She has a relationship with them that is so intimate. She KNOWS them...& is with them in ways that are beyond my understanding. It's in the details. She knows by-heart the things about their lives/routines/worlds that I only discover by watching her interactions with them. The fact that I get to watch it makes me feel privileged.  Michael Tyler Smith

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  To all of my brothers and sisters who are struggling to make ends meet!!!! TODAY IS NOT THE DAY TO GIVE IN OR GIVE UP!!!! SUCK IT UP AND GET BACK OUT THERE!!!! IM PRAYING FOR YOU!!! LETS GO!!! MUCH LOVE!!! ROCK Rockmond Dunbar  

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  I don't just "Like" the quotes that stem from this page, I "Love" them. They are inspiring and thought provoking. Keep up the great work Fran! You are AMAZING! Shared by Chianti Price

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!   Life has it's ups and downs, I'm taking the up side.  Timothy McNeill

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Someone once asked Marcus Garvey who was born in Jamaica was he African or Jamaican. His response. " I will not give up a continent for an island." How many of us are able to see the big picture? shared by  Chyone Micah

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Happy to report that I have so many people in my life who truly care about me. Check your inventory, identify those who really don't care and do away with that relationship. Time is NOT to be wasted! Khai Missy Patterson

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  I can't stand when certain people treat or look down on people for no reason @ all, but maybe its your nasty arrogance that will be your destruction in the end, even if you see yourself as above average, you still got to be humble & remember where you came from, in the blink of an eye, you can loose it all, be careful of how you treat others...Karma..  Stephen Royster

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Today, (whatever your life circumstances may be), is brought to you by grace & mercy....  Chaundra Daniels

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank will be enough." -- Meister Eckhardt shared by  Myckelle Williams

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  "Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength." via  Myckelle Williams

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  "Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny." ~Gandhi via Marie Price-pierre

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Lee Fuller shares this: "We can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what's wrong in your life, or you can focus on what's right." - Marianne Williamson

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Got Nothing but LOVE for You!!!

So, I didn't get a chance to write anything yesterday for WTH??? Wednesday and I am sorry.  Life is beautiful and I'm a little busier now with the Summer winding down, the kids need supplies, uniforms, doctors appointments, etc...  Sometimes I wish I had a twin!  Lol, Seriously, I will try not to miss any days in the future, and appreciate your understanding.  Enjoy the page everyone, I swear what people have to say is getting more and more inspiring, am I right?  Be well...  xoxo

Francesca Price

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Chaundra Daniels  IT's the "MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR": FOOTBALL SEASON!! via  I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!

No, it's not Christmas time, it's football season!  Yeay????  Instead of Christmas lights, there are millions of glowing fans whose faces are just as bright and the energy is contagious!  I can appreciate organized sports and football happens to be one of my favorites...  honestly.  I don't really know the game like I should; I mean, I'm 41 years old with 2 marriages and a few boyfriends under my belt, hell I even dated a man who played professionally once, I better like it!   But let's face it, liking a thing and knowing a thing are two different things, am I right?  Yes ladies, I'm talking about "us" fakers who appreciate the outfits we can don and the sexy way we don them (in support of "our" team of course), the quality time spent with "our man" during the game, but who are still totally in the dark insofar as understanding the game itself.  Like I said, I get it, but to most of you who know absolutely NOTHING about the game, it's time to get familiar with it... QUICK!   

On Healthy Tuesdays, topics range from mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health, and it is with your mental and emotional health in mind that I want to help by suggesting to all significant and significant other hopefuls who don't know, you better take a crash course in Football 101, or like Tawni Fears said, you better start watching and visiting ESPN and!  

In a nutshell, the object of the game is to get the ball across the goal line.  Each team gets 4 "Downs" to make this happen.  Is everyone following me so far?  Good!  Every 10+ yards the team in possession moves the ball towards the goal, a new set of "downs" are given, meaning they get 4 more.. it's like the reset button was hit, got it?  :-)  I'm pretty sure the rest is self explanatory; team reaches the goal line and scores!!  I didn't say I was an ace, but that's the gist of the game, or my understanding anyway!  The point system is kind of hazy for me, there's the 3 point conversion, 6 point touchdown, and the 1 or 2 point conversions I think...  Hmmmm, don't take my word for it on that, you'd better ask your guy/girl who's in the know about points and hey, the question might get you a high-five!  :-)  Feel Better Eli and I sure am looking forward to the upcoming season... not! Lol, kidding!  Be well...  

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!   Monica Cooper thinks we may have lost but we knocked a few plays out of Eli's head before we did it...ouch! Treasure Tuesdays in effect ♥! Theme music: "Mama" Boys II Men

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Football is my second choice yep SECOND to baskeball but to my ladies who dont watch sports you better start watching/visiting questions (not when the games are on) cuz that is quailtiy time at it's finest! I keep telling y'all...listen to me! lol Tawni S. Fears

Monica Cooper  Green toes n nails w/ white shoes for my JETS game tonight!!! 

Carl T Simpson  Is desperate for football. Actually watching a replay of last years game between Alabama vs. Virginia Tech.

"I am officially locked in preparing for my fantasy football leagues yes I said leagues with an S!" Akil 


"Get better and get back, Eli, we have some butt to kick! Let's go Giants! congrats on Monday night win!"  Tonia Handy

News 12 Long Island  SPORTS UPDATE: The New York Giants defeat the New York Jets 31-16 in preseason opener in the new Meadowlands stadium. Giants quarterback Eli Manning suffered a hit in the second quarter that forced him out of the game. Manning needed stitches to close a three-inch laceration on his forehead, but says that he is OK.