Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why I'm pretty sure I should have been born RICH!!!

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!   ‎"Good morning yall, another day i wish i was born rich instead of so beautiful!" Patricia Beautifull James

Last night as I lay in bed, I realized how hungry I was.  I had a sensible meal, ate a sensible portion with my family at a sensible time, and I was still hungry!   Sure I have a pantry full of non perishables and a refrigerator/freezer full of other stuff, it was just...  I mean, nothing I had is what I wanted and the idea of conjuring up the energy and motivation it takes to cook a great snack and clean up afterwards, was a major deterrent! So, I marched downstairs and washed off a few celery stalks and called it a night.  Ok, so I woke up more hungry this morning, but still didn't want to cook, and then it hit me, I know why I have this unreasonable sense of entitlement!  Why I believed every incredible dish I can imagine should be condensed into an amuse bouche, or samples for tasting, just for me, whenever I wanted them.  I should be rich!  :-)

Of course!  It makes so much sense now; I wasn't worried about my caloric intake, hell the "Bon vivant" in me appreciates rich flavorful foods cooked with lots of BUTTER,  I just didn't feel like making it myself!

Now I wouldn't only use my billions for evil, (yes although I LOVE butter, it's evil!! lol)  I'd use it for good too.  I read an article years ago and Mary Maxwell Gates, Bill Gates' mother was being interviewed.  She was very vocal about her son stepping down as CEO of Microsoft.  She felt her son would have to live 100 lifetimes to spend the incredible fortune he had amassed and wanted him to devote his time and energy on giving back.  "Philanthropy is his future" she said and I fell in love with this outspoken old woman instantly!  If I were rich, I too would become one of the world leading philanthropists; giving money to the sick, poor, the elderly and the young, paying it forward to just about anyone who needed it the most, and especially to Single Parents...

So here's the plan; Single Parents who take great care of their child(ren), make more than decent money, according to popular belief, but still struggle making ends meet.  I'm not talking about the parent making just enough to qualify for assistance, or the parent who makes too much and doesn't require help.  I'm talking about the Single Parents who can really use the financial support that is not being given by the other parent.   I would create an organization that celebrated parents just like me and gift at least 100 of them, annually, with paid in full deeds to their homes, fabulous family vacations, full academic scholarships for their children and so much more...  I would turn the awards ceremony into the biggest gala ever and have famous children of Single Parents like; Jodie Foster, Bill Clinton and Julia Roberts, just to name a few, that were raised by a Single Parent that made it work, just like I do, as presenters.  The surprises would be monumental to these everyday hero's and there wouldn't be a dry eye in the room!  :-)

It's unfortunate that I have NEVER received the kind of financial help my children were entitled to, I guess the idea was that I was doing good enough financially, so I should kick rocks?  How one juggles and earns has no bearing at all on what the responsibility of the other parent should be and the level of responsibility it should compel the other one to have.  I would Bless so many people and just thinking about doing this makes my heart sing!  In my case, to be able to work a normal 40 hour week instead of the 70 hours I had to clock for that overtime to make this all work, it would have been nice to simply spend that time with my family.   If I'm blessed with the fortune of fortune, I will most definitely be giving back in this, and many more ways!  

So, yes, the eats would be to die for and I wouldn't necessarily have to get up and prepare them unless I really wanted to, but the real benefit would be in how I can help and change the lives of other people.  Be well... :-)

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  ‎"Every person I come to encounter is just someone else helping me along this journey we call life. Whether they help me in a good way or a bad way is all up to me to figure out.....Hello Happiness!"  Javona Lisa Overton

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  “Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blue print, and begin to build.” - Robert Collier shared by  Lee Fuller

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  "The abililty to do for others in need is beyond great. i hope i made that mans day when i give him my lunch. i can wait till i get home to eat cause god only knows where his next meal is coming to him. lets continue to take care of one another." Patricia Beautifull James

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  "The best dreams in life are those that occur with your eyes wide open..."  Keiron Bigby

I don't just "Like it", I "LOVE IT"!!!  Nothing can happen in your life which is not a precisely perfect opportunity for you to heal something, create something, or experience something that you wish to heal, create, or experience in order to be Who You Really Are. ~ Neale Donald Walsh via Liliana Cardona Bristow shared by  Chaundra Daniels

1 comment:

  1. You need to marry a Chef, build a successful catering business which will allow you to obtain your latter goal...

    Problem solved!
